Sunday, September 8, 2013

Porky Pie's Full Moon Party

MooMoo went to Porky Pie's Full Moon Party with Ms. Mo today.  Time really flies... Porky Pie is coming to 1 month old on 10th Sept 2013.  Ms. Mo is really funny... she told us that Porky Pie is a Virgo... then we all scratched head and asked why?!?  Ms. Mo said correct what... if born around this month is a Virgo... =.=!!! Err... it's full moon party today?  Porky Pie's birthday is one month ago...  :p

MooMoo is not a big fan of 'ang ku kueh' (red tortoise kueh)...but these tasted quite good and there's peanuts in it, other than the green bean.  MooMoo helped Aunty coloured the eggs red too.  Aunty complained that the colour not as Red as the one that she made when she is in Penang.  Aunty said the colouring in Penang better.  Hahaha.

* Today's Sculpt was a really good workout... really worked hard on the arms, shoulders and waist... sure will ache badly tomorrow... but it's great to burn all the extra calories going in today... Hahaha

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tree Planting Day

This morning, MooMoo went for a 'Tree Planting Day' event.

Lately, it has been raining in Lion City, till flash flood at some parts of Singapore due to raining for hours.  Thank GOD last night it rained heavily the whole night, so this morning the sky is clear but one bad thing is that the ground is super wet and soggy. :p
This is the 1st time MooMoo plant a tree.  Each group of 3 to 4 people is assigned to plant a tree.  All the tools are provided, such as the hoe (cangkul), gloves, nutrient soil, tree sapling and a spot for the tree.  It would be lucky to have guys in your team.  Haha!
This is MooMoo's team's tree - No. 202.  Nice number!  There's 2 guys in MooMoo's team. = )))
There were briefings on the step by step, how you plant a tree.  First, you dig a hole deep enough to put your tree and you can measure with your hoe on the depth of the hole.  Next, you cut the plastic on your tree sapling and shift it into the hole.  After that, you just put back all the soil that you dig out earlier on and try to compact them.  Then, you can pour the nutrient soil all over and around the tree to cover the soil.  Finally, you can water your tree and it's all done.  Sounds easy huh... and the demo from the gardener looks very effortlessly too.
When the work takes place, it ain't that easy.... especially when the soil is wet... what a mess!  It was quite fun though, digging away.  One of the guy actually accidentally step into the hole and create a mess on himself. =.=!!!
You need to be quite strong to shift the tree into the hole.  Luckily with the help of the 2 guys in the team, the tree is in place.  You got to make sure when you put back the soil, the tree is always straight to make sure that it will be going well and stable.
MooMoo planted a tree!  Hahaha... doing her little part in saving the earth, compensating on how she use aircond, which is damaging to the environment, as if it can help much.  Well, better than nothing...
All done and ready to go off and MooMoo's shoes is super dirty and wet.  She had try to clean the best before she head to the gym.  Luckily, she didn't get killed at the gym with her dirty shoes. :p

* Is it true that "Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit"?!?......

Mo, Mu! Mooooo....

MooMoo just got herself a new handphone skin, as she spotted one with a cute Moo-Moo cow.  MooMoo's front protector was just peeling off so just in time to change to a new one.  Looking at it just makes her happy. : )))

* If only some things were so easy to change...  
"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know." ---Pema Chodron

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Coco Ichibanya Curry ^=^

MooMoo have been wanting to try this curry for quite some time but never tried till today.  Coco Ichibanya!!! (Coco = Here, Ichiban = No.1, Ya = Shop)  Hahaha... maybe all the chatting about curry with the girls in Koala-land makes MooMoo craves for curry.

Well, personally MooMoo think that it's quite good.  When you're stressed and unhappy, it's always good to have yummy food and great company to chase away all the dark clouds.  MooMoo ate the Fried Chicken Curry Rice while her buddy ate the Pork Cutlet Curry Rice.  Both tasted good, with the set, which comes with a mini salad and a choice of drink, or to have option for dessert (ice-cream).

After all the sinful curry, MooMoo went for a dose of yoghurt ice cream.  Hahaha! All the extra calories.... gotta work it off during the weekends! :p

MooMoo feels better after all the indulgence and chit-chatting. = )))

Pork Cutlet Curry Rice
Fried Chicken Curry Rice
Iced Lemon Tea and Iced Milk Tea ^=^
Mini Salad

* Definitely not easy to please everyone... Just be yourself and be happy.  TGIF tomorrow!!!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

"HALO" = Angel?

* "The BEST relationship is one in which your LOVE for each other exceeds your need for each other." --- Dalai Lama

Healthy Lunch Box

MooMoo got inspired by the 2 buddies in Koala-land and Minnie, to cook her own meals.  MooMoo decided to cook some eat-in lunch box.  She will start with some easy to cook food.  Monday's healthy lunch box will be Bolognese Linguine (minus the cheese powder) with pan fried Salmon, seasoned with some Oregano herbs.  
This is how it looks.  Looks presentable?!?  Hahaha.  At first, only put some sauce but it does not look enough, so added more to it.  Then it looks drowned with all the sauce.  Anyway, more sauce better than not enough sauce.
MooMoo should start to cook more often so that she can eat more healthy too.  Tapir tempted her to make Sushi but that one need more work.  MooMoo still have some Inari tofu pockets in her fridge to make Inari Sushi.  Hahaha.

* Hope no Monday Blues tomorrow... Looking forward to Pilates and Step tomorrow night... Just hope someone is not on sudden MC... :p


MooMoo is not a big fan of steamboat but she did enjoyed herself eating away at a gym buddy's house warming dinner on Saturday night. There were so much food that everyone ate till so full.  It was really yummy!  It was MooMoo's favourite Tom Yam soup.  There's also 4 fingers chicken wings as starters and yummy cakes for desserts, ending it with a big glass of Choya.

* Luckily, MooMoo burnt all the extra calories doing Step and Sculpt today... ^=^

Baby Shopping

MooMoo went shopping for baby stuff after work last Friday.  MooMoo always enjoy shopping for babies.  This year, a lot of MooMoo's friend are giving birth, all so productive.  One baby in U.S.A, two babies in Australia, 1 baby in Singapore, 1 baby in KL and 1 baby in Cat City.  Another one is coming soon towards end of this year.  

While happily shopping, MooMoo was telling Tapir that she is 'baby shopping' and Tapir said that it sounds like MooMoo is shopping for babies.  Well, MooMoo wish she could do that, but in her dreams.  Hahaha!  Imagine choosing your babies off the shelf.  So funny! :p

In 1 hour's time, MooMoo finished shopping for 2 babies.  Thumbs up!  It was a good de-stress session doing some retail therapy.  Shopaholic in action! Kekeke

* GOD will never give you anything you can't handle... so don't stress... ^=^

Pancake day!

Everyone was talking about pancakes the other day and MooMoo suddenly have this urge to eat pancakes.  This morning, MooMoo decided to have a 'pancake' breakfast with Minnie.  1st time making pancake and it didn't turn out that bad.  It's yummy!!!  Need to improve on the thickness and the shape of the pancake though.  Hahaha.  Minnie mentioned that other people's pancakes all round-round and can stake up nicely.  It was a deserving healthy breakfast after a session of early morning Pilates.  

* MooMoo taught her 1st Pilates teaching session with Minnie as her volunteer student.  1 down... 9 to go...  = )))