Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Breezy Evening Run...

MooMoo had a good run after work today around MBS.  The weather was beautiful today and it was pretty windy.  MooMoo took a few snaps with her iPhone but quality wise still can beat her N86.  Hahaha.  OK... must not complain about it as it has it's own goodness, like the wonderful apps.  Keke.

MooMoo had a good workout this morning doing 'Body Sculpt' exercise before work and ran about 5km for about 40 minutes after work.  Guess it's a good head start for the week.  MooMoo really need to run with her bottle... forgot to bring her bottle today and she felt a bit dehydrated after the run... throat not feeling very well... hope don't get sick.

* MooMoo really felt much better after running her hearts out just now.... just felt that the body, mind, soul and heart are not in unity today at work.... hopefully, it will be good tomorrow after a good night sleep... ^=^

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