Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Aching here and there...

After Monday's great workout, MooMoo is aching all over...

- Arms
- Shoulder
- Abs
- Inner Thighs

Need to do some stretching classes tomorrow.



These are the answers found from Wiki Answers...

The ache you feel after a workout is called Lactic Acid. Basically, you have just torn your muscle fibers up and they are entering the repairing stage. Feeling this ache is very normal because that means you performed a strong, effective workout. Now eat right and let the muscles repair and get bigger. Later, while you are relaxing, the pain will encourage you to rub and manipulate the muscle...which is exactly what they need. Massage moves the lactic acid out and encourages blood flow (and feels painfully good), all of which will help sooth your growing and healing muscles.

Exercising creates microtears in the fibres that make up your muscles. When you're muscles ache, your body is repairing these tears and making your muscles stronger.


Hmm... seems like it's a good thing that muscles ache... err... but it says it will get bigger...that's kinda scary... hahaha... I want to be lean not get bigger.

* Today got special delivery of MooMoo's fav 'GONG CHA' House Special Iced Coffee from her gym buddy BUT... when it reached here, it got smashed on the floor... all gone case... so very sad!!! MooMoo had to replace it with 3in1 latte... =((

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