Sunday, August 5, 2012

GE Women Run's Fringe Benefits - Interesting!

This year, MooMoo signed up for Great Eastern's Women Run's 1st Half Marathon event, which will be held on 11 November, 2012.  They usually only have 10km runs but this year, they included a new 21km category, in conjunction to their this year's rebranding activities, to rebrand the company from a "Life Insurance" company to a "Life" company.  

Due to the GE Women Run, there have lined up a series of events and MooMoo have signed up for the 1st event - Morning Run + Cooking and Hearty Breakfast.  It was pretty fun and MooMoo enjoyed herself.  
It started with a short 3km run around the Singapore Flyer.  We started with warm up and ended up with cool down, instructed by the True Fitness gym instructors.

Next, we headed back to the Bayview room for our cooking activities.  Before we start cooking lessons, we were served breakfast.  Yummy!!

They taught us how to make smoothies and also a main course,"Pasta with Laksa Cashew Nuts Pesto", which is quite an interesting dish.  Instead of curry leaves, they used laksa leaves.
You just plucked out all the laksa leaves from the stems and throw away the stems.  Then, we also have red chillis and some garlics.  You will have to blend all of these together with some fish sauce.  After that, you add in cashew nuts and blend it together with olive oil.  
Once all is blended, it looks like this.  It is very fragrant and crunchy with all the cashew nuts inside.  This will be the paste for the pasta.
After that, it's cooking the pasta time.  They do not use oil... only salted water... cooked about 11 minutes.  Each different brand of pasta require different cooking duration so you gotta check out the instructions on the packaging.
This is the end product of the pasta.  Looks good right?!?  It tasted quite good as well.  MooMoo can explore to cook this when she's free next time.
Next, all were given a free ride at the Singapore Flyer.  It's been quite awhile since her last ride in year 2008.  MooMoo never paid for the ride as she thinks that it is not worth it.  The last time it was free due to company event.
Everyone was surprised to see some more food when they walked in the Flyer capsule.  Hahaha!  All were served with cakes and pastries, as well as different types of tea.

MooMoo wanted to try out this tea but the waiter, a bit blur, mixed up her tea with another girl and end up, MooMoo had to drink some Ginger Lily Tea. Yucks!! =p
Here's some beautiful, nice views taken from the Flyer. ^=^
Everyone was given a goodie bag for the event.... Free stuffs from all the sponsors.
Plus, MooMoo was very lucky today as she won a Polar watch during the lucky draw.  It's been quite some time since she last won a lucky draw.  Thank God for everything!! ^=^

* It's really funny that everytime, MooMoo said that she does not really like something or someone, she will end up with the thing and get related to that someone... Ironic! =p

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