Sunday, August 18, 2013


MooMoo's gym buddies called her a kiddo when she told them she is going to watch SMURFS.  It's always GREAT to be a kiddo.  Everyone gets wrinkles but you can always stay young at heart and enjoy life! Never too old to do whatever makes you happy.  = )))

It's an enjoyable movie for a fun laughter but funny that it actually make MooMoo leaking a bit in the movie.  A new word learnt from the movie... leaking = crying. Hahaha!  It actually set MooMoo tearing a bit at this part towards the end of the movie.

MooMoo loves the part where Papa Smurf said this phrase to Smurfette, "It does not matter where you come from, what matters is what you choose to be".  It is also true that what Papa Smurf said to the rest of the smurfs that "You never give up on famly!"

The 2 little new characters are quite cute, 2 naughties called "Vexy" and "Hackus" that the baddy "Gargamel" created.  Smurfette's voice is actually by Katy Perry and Vexy's voice is by Christina Ricci.  Vexy somewhat reminds MooMoo of Christina Ricci's features.

If you're looking for some fun and laughter, you can go catch this movie but if you're expecting more than that, it will not be that entertaining for you.  La.. la.. la la la la... La.. la la la la... LOL! :p

* MooMoo did gym marathon today... 4 classes in a row: Pilates, Step, Flex & Flo and ABT... feels great with all the HAPPY hormones generation today.... ^=^

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