Wednesday, March 14, 2012

MooMoo's Alarm Clock

At last, MooMoo bought herself a 'proper' alarm clock.  Over the years, she have been using her phone and now her iPhone, which is not very healthy with all the radiation.  When she was young, she had a 'human' alarm clock -> her mom.  Hahaha.  OK, this is her 1st step on working towards waking up early every morning.  Good luck and hope this cute little new clock will support MooMoo all the way.

MooMoo googled for some tips and rules on 'how to wake up early'.  After reading some articles, MooMoo have decided to set the Top 5 for her own plans.  Gosh, this is definitely not easy for a sleepyhead like MooMoo, whom is wide awake at night and could not drag herself out of bed in the morning.

Here's MooMoo's Top 5 on 'How to wake up Early':

1) First of all, must remember to set alarm for the next morning before going to sleep every night.  Avoid using 'SNOOZE' button.  This is a really dangerous button, which everyone is guilty of snoozing more than once.  Haha.  Make it a habit to get out of bed when the Alarm rings.

2) Have a compelling reason to wake up early.  Plan for a non-negotiable agenda every morning.  MooMoo must make it a habit to do morning exercises every morning before work.

3) Try to limit the time of playing games, Facebook-ing and surfing the Internet before sleeping.  To change to reading before sleeping would be a better choice to relax the mind before going to bed.  (MooMoo thinks that this is the hardest for now... spent too much time on this every day... =p)

4) Avoid caffeine and avoid drinking too much water before going to sleep.  Caffeine is stimulant and drinking too much water can lead to disruption of quality sleep.  (Although MooMoo do not have problem sleeping after drinking coffee but she will try to be good... LOL!)

5)  Most importantly, try to sleep early and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.  Establish this as a daily habit and not every other day, including weekends so that your body will slowly adjust to the new timing.  Sooner or later, it will be just natural for you to wake up early every morning. 

Wish MooMoo "GOOD LUCK" and if she succeed in doing this, she will reward herself, provided she can continuously make it a new habit.  MooMoo will start it slow and will be monitoring it for 3 months.  

MooMoo will start this plan tomorrow, waking up to a nice, big breakfast before work.  MooMoo plan to wake up at 7am and now it's 12 midnight.  Time to zZz.  Good Nite!! ^=^

* "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." --- Benjamin Franklin

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